Album: Portraits of folks along the way (In Process - older photos will take some time to find their way in)
Rejoicing in our differences, there´s no one just like me, yet as different as we are we´re still the same
Date: 08/29/2008
Size: 88 items
Views: 20994
Album: Fellow World Bicyclists we've met on the road
Other crazy cool people who are bicycling the world
Date: 06/11/2008
Size: 10 items
Views: 4462
Album: 廚房 Chinese Kitchens (Peter)
Chinese kitchens (Fall 2007)
Date: 12/03/2007
Size: 20 items
Views: 6342
Album: 旅馆-Lu Guan (cheap hotels in CHINA) we've stayed at. (Peter) 像:旅馆照片-在里边
These are the Lu Guan we've stayed at. 我门住的旅馆
Date: 10/03/2007
Size: 68 items
Views: 31804
Album: 包字 Baozi breakfast restaurant series CHINA (Peter)
This is a photo series from our breakfasts at small baozi restaurants ın Chına. Baozi are steamed bread with a filling, similar to dumplings, but more bready.
Date: 09/24/2007
Size: 35 items
Views: 9493
Album: And then there were bikes.
Pictures of trip preparations and the first two days of biking.
Date: 09/17/2007
Size: 30 items
Views: 9805
Album: The Band : The Shenme Shenme's; soon to be called "Fueled By Rice"
Pictures of the band performing their debut concert at the Beijing Language and Culture University.
Date: 08/17/2007
Size: 7 items
Views: 3802
Album: Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign
Jim's series of propaganda signs
Date: 11/16/2007
Size: 11 items
Views: 4403