Our well produced videos:
China and The Environment: A Cyclist's Perspective
Adam's first big video project. He's been gathering footage during the whole trip, despite a broken camera and lack of decent electrical outlets. This is the first video he's edited with his video software. The theme is China's environment as we've experienced it on this trip thus far. It's about twelve minutes long. Please have a look.
Fueledbyrice gives a talk to the seniors of a local high school.
Daily encounters filmed by Adam:
A homestay in Vietnam..
Andrew and Nakia jamming with "Blue Sparkle" in Ling Shan.
Jim Durfey's goofy videos and road reports:
Road Report: Greece
Road Report: Turkey
Road Report: India, not as bad as we expected
http://www.jumpcut.com/media/flash/jump.swf?id=0212E906078E11DD801C000423CF385C&asset_type=movie&asset_id=0212E906078E11DD801C000423CF385C&eb=1" width="300" height="250" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">Road Report: Bulgaria with Autumn and Jay
Road Report: Last Day in Bulgaria
Road Report: A crowded Indian Street
http://www.jumpcut.com/media/flash/jump.swf?id=4B699200079111DDBC3A000423CEF5F6&asset_type=movie&asset_id=4B699200079111DDBC3A000423CEF5F6&eb=1" width="300" height="250" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">