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We managed to get some more crummy recordings up. Check them out on the music page. If you like it, stay tuned for the album we will hopefully record when we get back.

One Response to “Music!”

  1. Saul Mccabe Says:

    Your sermon reminded me of the fact that “Life is really not all that Complicated” when we turn our troubles and problems over to God. Of course, when we try to handle everything ourselves, we set ourselves up to fail. Right? It is true that when those complications and difficulties come along, we can become depressed, as you mentioned, and discouraged. Jesus is the one and only answer to help us, not only to see the problem, but He helps us to deal with it. Thanks for the encouraging words, Mickey. May God be very close to you and yours. . .
    Thanks for coming to Conroe to speak to us!

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